17 Mar

Trade Updates For 3/17/11


As I indicated in yesterday’s email, I ended up selling my ALZM at $1.28 just before close for and easy 21% profit from my $1.06 entry Friday. I tried to get in that last minute rush that took it up to $1.32. I absolutely love easy trades like that and letting these 10-20% winners pile up is exactly how I win at this game. I posted this to the website last night too, case you haven’t been checking it I’ll be using it a lot more now.

So most of you know I took over PSL a few months ago and changed everything. It was a busy two months redesigning the site but it’s starting to take shape. I appreciate the positive feedback I have been getting, trust me, it’s only going to get much, much better from here. Now that the major updates like design and locking the content are done, you’ll see more trades coming through your email which is a good thing.

As you know, I picked up two positions yesterday, CHTL and UTOG as short-term trades. As always, looking for 10% but I’ll take whatever comes my way.

I did a video on CHTL last night, click here to view it. This is an oversold bottom bounce trade for me which the video clearly details so be sure to take a look.

UTOG I picked up late in the day and is a momentum play similar to ALZM. I am looking for $1.25 or so on this one or about 10%.

Like I said, I’ll be using the website as a form of communication now that the content is locked, so get familiar with using it. A small forum is coming soon for all of us. Also, last night I linked my accounts up with Profit.ly so you can verify my trades. Too many frauds in this business, I like the idea of displaying my trades… I actually endorse it. So check Profit.ly out when you get a chance this weekend.

Jason Bond


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