4 Sep

Trouble Scaling Up? Try This On For Size


Climbing up the ranks is easier for some traders than others.

We all have to start somewhere, and if that means it’s with a tiny account…so be it.  

The beauty of trading a small account is that you can make mistakes without the fear of destroying your wealth.

After all, there is a learning curve we all must go through as traders, and at times we must take losses in order to master risk management.

When you’re going through this stage as a trader, your goal is consistency.

In fact, you shouldn’t concern yourself with how much you’re making… but instead, focus on developing one strategy at a time and sticking to your trading rules.

However, once you’re consistent it’s time for the next stage— sizing up.

Now, everyone has a number…

… a number of shares (or options contracts) that make them feel uncomfortable to hold

… positions so relatively large that it makes us glued to the screen… watching every tick go by in silence as if it seems the world has stopped.

Will it go my way? Is this the trade that will change my life and catapult me as a trader?

While I consider myself an elite trader now… there were plenty of times I went through the emotional roller coaster ride of undertaking an oversized position.

It would leave a knot in my stomach and a taste of disgust when those trades didn’t go my way.

Believe me, it’s not easy to size up, and despite my success as a trader, I still trade relatively small compared to my net worth.

However, I recently learned something from my good friend, Jeff Williams, an approach that he’s been using that has allowed his account to grow without taking on massive bets that cause sleepless nights.

You see, Jeff is a multi-millionaire, but he primarily trades a small account.

And instead of trying to look for ways to psych himself up to trade bigger… he simply resets his portfolio after it reaches a certain level…

For example, check out what he did in 2018:



He took three different small accounts and absolutely murdered it…

  • His first account went from $6.7K to $25.1K…
  • He reset… started with $5K… and then turned it into $16K…
  • He reset a third time… started with $5K and took that to $35K

That’s over $55K in profits without having to stress about trading bigger and dealing with the emotional baggage and stress of trading massive size.

And do you know what makes Jeff’s style so awesome?

He rewards himself shortly after a heavy-duty win.

He’s been able to move his family from here:




To here:



And continues to pay himself…

Earlier this year he dropped five figures to take his family on an epic Disney vacation…



He put in a pool in the backyard that you typically find in resort hotels…



And even treated himself by buying a corvette (I swear it’s not a midlife crisis).


Nice whip Jeff!


You see, you don’t need to trade humongous size to make progress and grow as a trader.

You can do what Jeff has been doing—trade small—build your account up—pay yourself—and repeat.

Best of all, Jeff has been able to do this trading part-time. And this Thursday, September 5th, 2019, he’s going to reveal his latest trading system, BOOST, at 8 PM ET.

You must register to watch this exclusive event. It’s free to do so if you use this link. 

It’s his most time-efficient and potentially most profitable system ever!

I know a lot of you out there want to scale up to achieve bigger profits. But I really do believe that Jeff’s method of building a small account will work best for a lot of you guys and gals.

And that’s why I decided to sit down with Jeff and interview him.

It goes down this Thursday, September 5th, at 8:30 PM ET, you won’t want to miss it.

Thousands of eager-to-learn traders have already registered… and I’m afraid if you wait till the last day, you might be locked out from this event.

Don’t wait to register, secure your spot today.

And sign up now!



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