6 Sep

[Interview] Started From the Bottom


Building wealth is a lot easier for some than others…


… the old Wall Street saying goes, It takes money to make money.


But I’ll tell you that’s not a fact… and I’m living proof of it.


You see, when I first started trading, I didn’t have a whole lot of money in my trading account… in fact, my wife and I were drowning in debt (over $250K)… and I was still teaching physical education.


Of course, I started from the bottom and traded with a small account. But once things started clicking, I evolved into the trader you see before you.


We’re always thinking about how we can size up and trade bigger to make more money…


… but when you do that, you’re risking more and that could damage your psyche… because you’ll be stressed out and watching every tick… and when it goes against you, even just a little bit… your stomach is in knots and your mind runs all over the place.


However, I recently picked something up from my good friend Jeff Williams.


Now, if you don’t know who Jeff Williams is, I actually taught physical education with him… and once the lunch bell rang, we’d run to our trading stations to try to place trades.


It was a long climb up from the bottom… but eventually, we figured it out and now we’re here.


The thing is Jeff is a multimillionaire, and he trades with a small account.


I sat down with Jeff last night in a rare all-access interview… but some more questions popped into my head… luckily, he decided to chat for a few minutes again.



I’m looking at some of your past few small account challenges… and you’ve turned a $5K into a $35K account, a $6.7K account into $25.1K, and $5K into $16K.

I see you make money, rebalance, and do it over and over again… I mean you don’t miss.

Jeff, you’re a multimillionaire… why are trading with just a few thousand dollars when you could be trading with a quarter of a million?




You’re absolutely right, I can use a bigger account… and of course, people can be successful with it.


The fact is, we both started with small accounts Jason about two decades ago… and we have proven you can make money in the stock market with a small amount of money.


But I think what I want people to understand is that you don’t need to doubt yourself and that you can make money in the stock market even if you have a small amount…


… and you can do it over and over again with my system.


It’s just really gratifying for me to teach a simple strategy that anyone can use every single day with just a few minutes a day possible and watch them take a small amount of cash into a large portfolio.


Sorry for the long-winded answer.



All good with me, Jeff.


I think it’s safe to say your an expert at building small accounts… but I want to ask you a little bit more about your system.


I’m really excited about it because it only takes a few minutes a day… because as former school teachers, we used to dive into the office during lunchtime and try to put a trade on. It sounds like it’s a great strategy for the busy professional.


So what’s it all about?




Well, Jason, it’s actually really simple… and it involves looking at patterns in small caps (sometimes micro caps)… and finding Wall Street’s top gainers AHEAD of time.


You see, I focus on these stocks because they have the potential to move a lot… I’m talking about 50%+ (sometimes 100%+) in a single day… and you just don’t see that with large-cap stocks.


The whole goal here is to spot the best setups… place the trade, set your profit target and stop loss… and just be patient… because chances are the stock has a massive move.


I think the best part about it is the fact that all you need to do is look at your phone or computer in the afternoons for just a few minutes, and you can find 1-2 trades every single day… and you wake up knowing that you’re well-positioned to be in one of the largest movers on any given day.




Jeff, that sounds awesome. Can you show me a chart setup you use?



Of course, Jason, let me pull up a chart real quick for you.




Wow, that looks a lot like one of the patterns I use all the time — the fish hook.


Can you tell me how you use it?




Yes, it does…


… and you probably already know why I love to use this pattern so much.


It’s so simple because all I need to do is wait for a drop in the stock… wait for it to stall out at a support level… and then wait for it to build some momentum.


With the first chart in Creative Medical Tech Holdings (TTCM), I actually waited for it to break above to 20-day simple moving average (SMA) because that improves my odds of success and lets me know there is demand for the stock.


Sure enough… the stock shot up like a supernova.



That’s awesome man!

Just by eyeballing the chart, it looks like you locked in over 30%?




Yeah, just about… as you know, I’m trading a small account… and I was able to lock in just shy of $1,200 in just around 15 minutes.



Jeff, that’s insane! But doesn’t that go against the Pattern Day Trader (PDT) rule?




Not necessarily, because generally, we’ll buy the stock and take profits the next day. It just so happens that I got the move I wanted the same day.


Jason, I think I’m going to put up the recording of our interview last night — for a limited time — so everyone can get a better understanding of how this system truly works.




Wow! I’m so stoked to hear you say that… I’ll let you get back to it and let my readers know, see you in the trenches.




Thanks, Jay, happy trading.


Well, you heard it from the horse’s mouth… Jeff is going to be putting up the recording of our interview for a limited time… so don’t delay and watch it here.


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