10 Feb

Turning $2,500 Into $16,500 In Just 5-Weeks… PRICELESS!


From small accounts to big accounts, my strategy is rock solid and I’m confident it’ll make you a better trader. It does not matter if you have $1,000 or $1,000,000… Jason Bond Picks is based on percentages so whatever you bring to the table will determine what you make.

So far in 2013 I’m up over $40,000 verified. Some make more, some make less. I can’t guarantee profits, it’s illegal and unethical to do so, but I can guarantee I’ll teach my system to those open to learning, like Lewis below. Whether you’re a beginner or a Wall Street fat cat, I’m confident my service will help you become a better trader and save you time navigating the market.

This testimonial from Lewis, who is up over $14,000 in little over 5-weeks into 2013 using a $2,500 account, illustrates how my easy to follow methods can really pay off for those willing to learn them.

“Good one Jason!

I sold ZNGA for a 8.1 % profit. I was in it a little before you gave the recommendation and got out at $3.29… thanks bunches.

Really learning a lot from your video lessons, and combining what I learn there from charting courses I’ve been taking.

Last year was rough, as I lost over $15,000 in trying to learn to time my investments and properly read charts. Didn’t always follow you perfectly.

So far this year, starting with just $2,500 in my account, I’m up a little over $14,000 – not bad for a beginner, and a lot of the credit goes to you, and your video lessons.”

~ Lewis F.


  1. Grason

    Lewis said he lost $15,000 as a beginner, only the 2nd year is he ahead. If he followed you, what happened?

    • Jason Bond

      You’d have to ask Lewis, I didn’t interview him. Maybe he’ll answer here.

  2. Mike

    Like everything, you have to put the work in and learn, then you make money.

  3. Tim Cronin

    I for one am happy you answered this question. I feel that as long as someone like myself can start out small and grow an account, I could wean myself off traditional work and skim some profits to live on, while continuing to compound and grow my account. Thanx for answering this, Jason.

  4. stevengoldman

    I myself have a very small account and After following Jason Bonds premium service this last month i have profited on 5 out of 7 trades. Well worth this investment. The knowledge you gain is worth the money alone. Let alone having solid recommendations, with BUY & SELL alerts! For anyone seriously trying to understand the market, Jason Bond cannot be beat. Low Risk, High Rewards!

  5. Nij

    Hi Tim, Steven and Lewis(?) …. are you guys full time traders or act on alerts while on the job? The reason I ask is because I have no problem in putting the effort in studying all that Jason puts out there but find it kinda hard to find time during the day to constantly follow the thread or be part of chat room etc. Thank you for your time.


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