12 Apr

Watch List For April 12, 2011


ELTP is picking up all sorts of hype on the message boards and it could make for a quick momentum day trade today, despite being overbought already. They develop oral sustained and controlled release products. I’ll keep you updated if I enter.

Considering LFVN this morning. They are a science-based, nutraceutical company. It used to get some promo from what I can see a long time ago, but I can’t find anything current now. It’s possible I’m late to the dance here but have a feeling this one could breakout today for a nice day trade. If I enter it would be around $.85 with my first goal is $.91 to $.96 and possibly $1.00.

LQMT remains at the top of my list although I am still waiting for liquidity to increase. I continue to watch PLPE and if it gets back down to $.80 I am going to jump on board.

Looking to add JOEZ at $.86 if it dips that low. The company is changing directions from high end to middle of the road retail, so bumps are expected. I think it could be a nice short term flip after the sell off.

Futures aren’t looking good and Japan will be a major concern today so be cautious trading.


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