20 Jun

Watch List For Tuesday June 21, 2011


Still looking to short CABND but you guessed it, no shares are available. I check every morning at 6am EST when the smart shorts go hunting for shares and Tuesday will be no different until CABND is back to $3 per share. For my new subscribers, it’s only up as a result of a reverse split and already down from the $6 range when I first started adding it to my watch.

Missed JOEZ today, despite it being on my watch list Sunday night, but it’s still in play because the chart isn’t even close to overbought and volume continues to build. If there is any play here it’s a volume breakout followed by profit taking so it’ll probably be a day trade if that happens. I hate chasing it up, so there will need to be other catalysts as well like volume, news etc…

CBOU is up and it’s hard to tell why. I’m short biased but be careful, it’s a $264m market cap so it can bounce all over. CEO sold a big position today which leads me to believe it could fall. Goal is to short a spike and play for $1.00 per share.

Made $1,100 shorting ORS from $5.25 last week and another $125 Monday from my $4.15 entry but I’m still looking for a big score on this one. Goal is to short into a morning spike Tuesday and cover for $.50 per share. Tiny market cap though so be careful, this one can squeeze hard evident by the chart.

Can you say roller coaster? Holy crap right! This blog post details what I’m looking for on HRBN and the true dangers of trading stocks. I’m short biased here and tend to agree with Citron even though they got their members squeezed hard Monday morning after it appeared they had scored a monstrous win. At this point I don’t think anyone is buying the CEO’s ‘buyout’ crap, add in nobody wants to touch China stocks and Cramer slamming it and I’d say it could fall again. Goal is to enter on a big spike.

LCI was on my watch list last Friday and I simply forgot about it today up 2%. With their PDUFA Thursday it’s a possible buy tomorrow and sell into the runup before Thursday. Holding into an FDA can be dangerous but risk takers can bank big like those holding ACUR this Monday morning. But like ACUR, sell on news or before is the name of the game with biotechs.

MCZ was a late day alert I’m hoping we see at least $.10 to $.25 per share on over the next few days. If you didn’t get the alert in time, I’m guessing the open should be around $1.40 so be sure to take a look. Strategy is simple here… first up day after a decent means it’s a technical bounce. Then the Russell being finalized Friday should at least add some hype that could bring buyers between now and then. Add in shorts who will need to cover as it climbs which might attract momentum buyers and we’ve got an opportunity.


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