21 Jun

WTFS… WTF Is Going On?


Recently I alerted WTFS after buying shares at $.72. Several days later I cashed out with $743 in profit. I explained to my members, despite not reaching my desired target of $1.00,  it was time to move on because the chart became bearish. Simply put, more sellers than buyers and that’s not good in any stock. Many of my subscribers locked in profits with me Monday around $.76 — but none of us expected it to tank about 50% today which makes my sell look even better now.

So I managed to make a few bucks on it, but the action just wasn’t there and I bailed, now that exit looks like an amazing call and just one of the many services I provide daily at PennyStockLive.

Seriously, you simply can’t trust penny stocks. The action on WTFS is the perfect example of why my warfare system works 70% of the time when 90% of traders consistently lose money in the markets.

I’m up over $40,000 one numerous quick hits just like this. So when  you want to know why I don’t shoot for home runs, just check on the chart on WTFS my friend. Ten percent, rinse and repeat! Never shy to cut losses or gains if my gut feeling on the trade changes.

1 Comment

  1. Gary

    You say 100% money back guarantee if I’m not completely satisfied.. I’ve been down that road before and wasted a lot of good money. How can I be sure this isn’t just another site with lots of promises?? Yes I see your gains and loses on Profitly, that”s all fine and dandy but do you do more then just post profits? Do you interact and teach your clients or are they just following blindly?
    Would love to join but I don’t want to throw any more MONEY away!!

    Thank You
    Gary D.


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