21 Jun

Wednesday June 22, 2011


Pulled the trigger on USAT, MCZ and RENN today because they were all green trades. Would have like to ride USAT and MCZ further but honestly they chart patterns weren’t my favorite so I’m happy to be out.

10k COOL at $3.18, current $3.16, goal $4, stop $3.00. Still like this trade a lot and I’m thrilled it moved away from my stop today. Sure wish I had the guts to have added at $3 yesterday but nobody is perfect.

75k XSNX at $.07, current $.065, goal $.10, stop $.05. This is a strategic bid buy like SHMX was.

125k GSTP at $.14, current $.105, goal $.19, stop $.08. Like SHMX, this is a strategic bid buy and so long as $.09 – $.10 hold up I’m staying in.

40k SHMX at $.20, current $.209, goal $.26, stop $.18. Added this right at the close in chat suspected another spike Wednesday morning.

5k GLCH at $2.39, current $2.40, goal $2.74, stop $2.32. Also added right at the close in chat on a breakout – looking for a gap and run.

3k LCI at $5.41, current $5.37, goal $6.00, stop $5.00. Playing FDA’s is gambling and I like to gamble from time to time. PDUFA is Thursday, with any luck I’m out tomorrow.

Short 1.5k CBOU at $12.64, current $12.71, goal $12.10, stop $13.00. Small market cap so be careful, it could tank or be reloading here. Once we have a class on shorting Thursday I’ll be sending these alerts by email too.


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