21 Jun

Watch List For Wednesday June 22, 2011


FFN has been beaten down but today might be the reversal which means there could be some serious momentum buyers here along with short covering. I’ll be watching for bullish volume, if it’s there and I like the action I’ll play this one.

Quite a bit of message board crap flying around on APWR which in itself makes for a good catalyst. Tiny market cap and nice bottom bounce leaves plenty of room to profit. Trading range is between $2 – $3 with a stop at $1.85. The company has defended itself against the Seeking Alpha article, sure hope that writer was referencing filings.

Added GLCH right at the close in chat yesterday on the pure technical breakout. Check out this chart to learn what I look for heading into the close of every session. Stocks breaking to new highs often gap up and continue using old resistance as new support. I’m in with a small position, 5k at $2.39 and if it doesn’t gap up you may want to take a look too. Tight stop loss on this one, I’m looking for it to head up, not down from here.

I wasn’t able to locate shares of ORS yesterday, but this morning I was able to find 5k and put them on reserve. My goal is to grab a morning spike and ride it out for $2 per share down to $3 again.


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