31 Jul

What’s Working Now – Tuesday July 31, 2012 @ 12:40 p.m. EST


This week could be rocky given the amount of economic data lined up for Wednesday including: ADP employment at 8:15 a.m. EST, Markit PMI at 8:58 a.m. EST, ISM and construction spending at 10 a.m. EST followed by the most important FOMC announcement at 2:15 p.m. EST. I believe motor vehicle sales are on the schedule too Wednesday but not sure that time. With all this in mind… less positions and smaller positions with shorter hold times to navigate the waters.

Keep in mind it doesn’t stop on Wednesday, Thursday we have weekly jobless claims and factor orders followed by nonfarm payrolls, unemployment rate and ISM nonmanufacturing Friday i.e. holy cow it could be a volatile week. That’s not to mention anything that could happen in Asia or Europe over night so just be careful out there this week.

Here’s what I’m looking at for potential swing trades today…both from the watch and both still in play.

GLUU – I really like this trade down here but I’m not going to load a bunch of swing trades ahead of the FOMC announcement Wednesday at 2 p.m. EST. I might change my mind so if I do, $4.75 is support swing $5.40.

JOEZ – Also a favorite I think $1.60’s are coming on this stock swing long. A bid around $1.03 is what I’m thinking. Keep in mind it’s a light volume trade but a good light volume trade to consider… I’d compare it to USAT etc…


  1. Chris

    really like this new feature for midday

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Chris, I figure if I’m lining up swing trades for the afternoon you guys / gals should know about it first.

  2. ThiernoDiallo

    Hello Jason,
    Here is my FIRST post on your site since joining a couple of weeks ago. I followed your recommendation and bought USAT on 7/24 at $1.48….just sold at $1.69 earlier today for a profit of $693. This on a trading account of less than $ 5k. I know it may seems like peanuts to some traders in your gang, but it means a lot to me…as this is my first trade since joining your service. I already made back my membership fee twice….with some $$$ to spare. I am very glad I joined and excited when I look into my crystal ball as to what lay ahead.
    I have loaded up on JOEZ and sitting tight on it.
    Cheers Man!

    • Jason Bond

      Excellent and welcome! It’s not peanuts we don’t care how much you make just that you make money, learn and make more money rolling your profits over. I really like JOEZ… smart one to load imo.

  3. CindyMaslyn

    JB: I really enjoy the mid-day chat and evaluations of stocks



    I’m in joez @1.06 I put a sell half @1.25 and then weigh it from there. May want to hold for 1.50 or .60 or get out @ alot less. Is this the way to play it?


    • Jason Bond

      I like JOEZ from here, plan on buying myself but it’s a low volume account builder so it’ll be slow and steady I think. Generally I scale out of trades too, yes.


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