26 Jun

Why You Should Own A NutriBullet


It’s easy to lose focus on your health when building a business. Being an entrepreneur can be stressful i.e. you eat what you kill and when your business is Wall Street, that pressure compounds. My days are long, sometimes 18-20 hours in my office sitting.

Bad trading… beer and pizza. Good trading day… supersize it! Great trading day… fine wine and filet mignon. Over eating and drinking to deal with the emotions of Wall Street is common and it wrapped me up tight. Just 2-years after leaving a 10-year career in NYS public schools to teach on Wall Street I’d put on 30 pounds without even noticing.

So at the end of November 2012 I decided to take a break from day trading so I could work on my business during the day and fitness at night. Just 7-months later I’m thrilled to announce I’ve lost 40 pounds and still made $121,000 profit swing trading part time with a 73% win rate. My business has grown significantly and I’m feeling a lot healthier.

Why should you own a NutriBullet?

Well, Thanksgiving 2012 I weighed in at 210 pounds, I’m 5′ 10″. Today I’m about 170 pounds and you guessed it, still 5′ 10″. I bring this up because on Thanksgiving morning, while I was sleeping, my wife was watching an informercial about the NutriBullet and bought one for us.

Now I’m not one for informercial products and figured it to be a scam, but when it arrived I kept an open mind and gave it a shot. I set out to use it twice daily and within just a few months, without exercise, I was down about 15 pounds. At the same time I drastically reduced the beer, pizza, McDonalds, fine wine and filet mignon too.


I still have the same entrepreneurial stress as I had before but now I deal with it in a healthy way. When I have a bad day in the market, I drink a NutriBullet. Good day in the market, NutriBullet. I no longer let the emotions that come with business and trading Wall Street impact what I put into my body. The result is 40 pounds of weight loss in 7-months, granted I added in jogging in April to increase the calorie burn.

I weigh less today than when I was teaching in NYS public schools in 2011 and that was a very active profession for me.

The beauty of the NutriBullet is I’m putting organic fruits and vegetables in my body that I’d never otherwise consume. Even better, it fills me up BIG time because there’s a ton of fiber in vegetables… trust me it’s hard to get fat overeating vegetables, I’m trying and the weight is falling off.

I’m convinced my wife’s decision to order me the NutriBullet has changed my life. Again, I’ve lost 40 pounds in 7-months and the portfolio is up $121,000 swing trading part time. My old teaching salary was $50,000 a year so not only am I getting healthy but I’m making good money too, pretty cool if you ask me.

Anyway, I’m not an affiliate of the NutriBullet and in no way connected to these guys, though I should be. I recommend reading the book Hungry For Change  and buying a NutriBullet.

Here’s my recipes I drink daily. All fruits and vegetables are organic.

Morning – spinach and a little banana, apple, pineapple for flavor. I fill the NutriBullet right to the top with spinach and pack the banana, apple and pineapple in. Fill with water and mix. This is a very good green drink, plenty of sugar in the small portions of fruit, you won’t even know your drinking spinach.

Evening – 1 tomato, 1 beet and fill the rest with broccoli. I fill the NutriBullet with the diced tomato and beet first. I think fist size for both those works best. Then I fill the remaining half with broccoli. Fill with water and mix a bit longer than the other drink above.

I’m telling you this has made a huge difference in my life. It’s by far the quickest and easiest way I’ve found to put large amounts of organic fruits and vegetables in my body quickly. 7-months, 40 pounds, business has grown and $121,000 in profit swing trading part time. I’m no Vanderbilt, but this train makes hay!


  1. Thomas Quirico

    I see that many of the recommendations are sold the same day as buying. Do you also advise on those trades to put in sell orders immediately so as not to miss the play? What if I’m at work or busy and miss the play and it tanks? Thanks, Thomas Q.

    • Jason Bond

      Yes, the rule at JBP is always take 1/2 at 5% and if the rest runs 10% take it. This gives you a gain around 7% on the winning trades. It’s a standard rule of service, very rarely do we deviate from it.

  2. Guilaume

    100% with you. Nutribullet is simply amazing and do improve your health for sure and I am not paid to say that!

  3. Nate

    Nutribullet is amazing. pick one up today.

  4. Nicholas Bogolea

    if you wanna throw ice in the mix without burning the motor out this the vitamix is bad to the bone…

  5. JerryLawhorn

    Just got a Nutribullet and started using it about a week ago! Thanks for the drink hints!

  6. jeffstein

    You can get the nutribullet immediately and for even less than the infomercial at Bed Bath and Beyond with one of their 20% off coupons. I never liked eating salad but have a huge portion of baby spring mix everyday with the banana , pineapple and apple, real easy.

  7. felicity

    how many times a day you have a nutribullet a day is it twice or three times a day

    • Jason Bond

      2-3 usually. Just did Dr. Oz cleanse which was 4 a day.

  8. Sean_Saunders

    Me and my dad don’t eat enough vegetables. Well, any actually. I despise the taste of veggies; only exception is sauteed onions and peppers with steak; but that’s it.

    Just bought the nutribullet on your recommendation and will start using it immediately. Don’t have any organic shops for fruits/veggies in my area, so I suppose walmarts section will have to do. Better than no veggies/fruits I would think, even if it’s not organic.

  9. Leon K (@LeonKr4)

    The thing is you could have done the same thing with any blender. The Nutribullet seems to make smoother drinks than a normal blender but there’s no proof that you’re getting more nutrition out of the deal. That’s just a marketing gimmick.

    • Jason Bond

      That’s where you’re wrong, try blending my drinks and then try the Nutribullet, I was using a blender before I bought the bullet so I’m 100% positive there’s a difference, have you tried both? I already know the answer. The Nutribullet isn’t a gimmick, as much as it appears to come off that way.

  10. Justine Olausen

    I have to agree with Jason on this one, my partner and I have been using the Nutri-Bullet now for about 3 months and we love it!!! We always have first thing in the morning, spinach or Kale, Greek yogurt, berries, banana, small tblespoon walnuts, lsa, chia seeds and top up with water. My skin is amazing, I have more energy and so easy to clean, love it, love it!!! And yes have used a normal blender but there is no way you could grind those nuts and seeds down to powder in a standard blender!!!!

  11. dougmike

    Have to agree on the Nutri-Bullet, received for christmas and my fridge has never been so filled. Breakfast is a mixture of some home made plain yogurt, tomato, cucumber, banana, apple, cantaloupe, frozen berries and some protein powder. Dinner has spinach or kale, carrot, celery, tomato, packet of greens from elizabethzarzecki.myitworks.com. Usually I mix with water, almond milk, cranberry juice or green tea.I make Guacamole with it and use it instead of jelly, great on taco’s.

  12. A Juicy Blend

    Not only is the Nutribullet great for smoothies, but there are a load of other things that you can use it for if you get creative, for example pancake batter, vegetable patties for burgers, almond milk – even grinding coffee! It really is a multi-purpose tool

  13. valerie pierre

    Have you ever put non-organic avocado in it. So far i have only put organic ingredients, but I am just wondering if conventional avocados would be alright.


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